Most Destructive Animal!
A world without humans
This is a very bold statement because humans are responsible for creating near enough everything on the planet… however, humans are also responsible for most of the destruction on this planet, which begs the question, would the Earth be better off without us? Whilst people will argue humans have made many technological advancements and are the most intelligent species to date, they are also the most the most damaging to the planet. Somewhere between 3.5 and 7 billion trees are cut down each year to create space for homes and cities and for building resources like wood. Not only are we cutting them down, they are beginning to become endangered… trees need moisture especially now that droughts around the world are at an all-time high. This is due to the effects of climate change, another man-made problem. If forests are being chopped down, where are habitants meant to go? Forests are resposible for providing shelter to thousands of species. By destroying their homes, many are being killed as surivival outside of their natural habitats is increasingly less likely.