Guide to planning a marquee event
How To Get The Most Out Of Your Marquee Event
It is known that having a Marquee at your event gives a sense of style and makes your event stand out from the crowd. Today we are going to give you some tips on making the most out of your marquee. First of all, what you need to consider is where to position your marquee is it on grass or are you putting it on hard ground. If the marquee is going on hard ground, then you may want to consider weighting it down to stop it blowing away if it’s on grass you can peg it down or if it is especially windy you can use heavy duty ratchet straps to anchor your marquee securely. The next thing I would consider is the windows and sides on your marquee are you going to leave them on or omit certain panels? Having your marquee fully open may suit your event. On a cold or rainy day keeping all sides and windows on will keep the heat in the marquee and stop rain water ingress. Do you need flooring? If the marquee is going to be located on grass, consider our flooring, which is breathable and protects the grass beneath by allowing it to breath. How many people are going to your event? You should always try to work out how many people are coming so you can think about seating arrangements, if the are less people consider a large round table because that way you can converse easily. If lots of people are going to your event and will not all fit round one table, use square tables as they can fit a larger occupancy into the intended space.